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*Photographs are a required element of the post-event report. If you do not have access to a camera, please contact our office before you start working on your project. We can help you make arrangements to have photographs taken of your project.


You may submit a maximum of ten total photographs. At least two of these photographs must be a set of "before" and "after" photographs of your project.


  • "Before" and "after" photographs should be taken of the same project from the same angle and distance. An easy way to do this is to place a stick or flag in the location where you take your "before" photograph so you can find the same location when taking your "after" photograph.

  • DO NOT include any people in your "before" and "after" photographs.


As a reminder, please do not submit photographs of people who have not completed a liability form. We must have these forms on file to publish submitted photographs. This form may be uploaded through the online post-event form or returned with your report.


Click here to view example photographs from previous program participants.



This is the fastest and easiest way to submit your photographs to KNCB. When filling out your forms (click the reporting link above), there will be a page to upload files and you may submit all photographs on this page. Please attempt to submit files no larger than 10mb each. Higher quality photographs are always preferred. Please upload photographs individually and not as part of a .doc or .pdf file. (If you have never uploaded files before, this is a very similar process to uploading a photo to social media or attaching a photo to an email. If you need help, please feel free to call the KNCB office.



Photographs may be emailed to When emailing, you may only attach 10mb per email, so you may need to send several emails to attach all of your files. Please be sure to clearly label file names and include your group's name in the subject line. Please attach photographs individually and not as part of a .doc or .pdf file. KNCB staff will reply to your email and confirm that your photographs have been received. If you do not receive a reply, please contact the KNCB office.




If you do not have access to digital photographs, you may submit hard copies of your photographs. These may be mailed or dropped off at the KNCB office. Please be sure to clearly label the backs of each photograph with your group name and if the photograph is a "before" or "after" photograph. Please do not attach photographs to anything (cardstock, posters, etc.). Color photographs are preferred. Please submit photographs that are at least 4" x 6" to ensure that they will produce a high-quality image when scanned.

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